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Agmark Certification

Agmark certification works like a quality benchmark or authenticity for all agricultural products produced in India. The word "Agmark" is derived from the combination of two words, "Ag" and "Mark", which means agricultural and certification mark. In order to give the consumers authentic and reliable quality products, the Government of India has defined the Agmark Certification Act, 1937 (and amended in 1986) by passing this bill in our parliament. Agmark certification process helps to make certified all the agricultural products before hitting the market. Currently, the AGMARK (Grading and Marketing) Act covers 205 different categories of agricultural products and commodities including on Pulses, Cereals, Essential oils, Vegetable oils, Fruits and Vegetables and other semi-processed commodities. This Agmark certification is extremely vital for all retailers and whole sellers across the country in order to sell their products to large base of customers.

Agmark Certification Process in India

India is one of the most populate country and Agriculture is the main source of income for most of the people. Therefore, the Agmark registration is hardly avoidable when it comes to retail marketing or buying and selling. In India, AGMARK (Grading and Marketing) Act comes into existence in the year 1937 and it then amended in the year 1986 in order to include more and more numbers of commodities and agricultural products. These days, AGMARK Act covers more than 205 agricultural products and commodities in India and this authenticity mark is quite inevitable for all business entrepreneurs and salesmen across the country. As India exports its large chunk of agricultural products and commodities to the international market therefore, all the products need to be certified under AGMARK Act as per the World Trade Organization (WTO). The following Agmark certification process in India should be followed:

  • Name of the product
  • Name of the applicant
  • Sample of the product
  • Exact date and year of production
  • Company registration certificate and authenticate copy from the Government
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