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PHP Web Hosting

PHP is the most powerful of all open-source programming languages. No longer used solely for web pages, it is becoming an increasingly popular tool for stand-alone programs and corporate applications. Despite all its power and flexibility, the PHP framework is far from secure. The PHP web hosting services is a simple but powerful for hosting any dynamic web site developed in PHP. PHP is a very versatile language and therefore, it can be used on most webservers, operating systems and platforms. Since it is software released under the PHP license, therefore, anyone can use it without incurring any charges. According to an estimate PHP is installed on more than 20 million websites and over one million webservers.

Most of the applications used by our customers are PHP-based. However, not all of them are based on one and the same PHP version. We offer PHP web hosting services to offer 6 PHP versions on one hosting account to ensure that the easiest use of the biggest possible number of PHP applications and scripts on one and the same hosting account.

PHP Web Hosting Services India

We are leading Web Hosting Company of India, which offers Linux and windows web hosting service to thousands of web sites. Our hosting support both PHP 4.x and PHP 5 hosting, MySQL, ASP, ASP.NET. We also provide domain registration cheap Linux hosting and cheap hosting in windows server. We provide Superb/Responsive support to our web space customer via live support sytem. We provide control panel for Linux hosting and windows hosting as control panel. If you have simple static HTML website or dynamic website built in php, mysql, asp or we have can provide you reliable hosting for it.

IPR Services