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Service Mark Registration India

A service mark or service mark is a trademark used in some countries, to identify a service rather than a product. When a service mark is federally registered, the standard registration symbol may be used (the same symbol is used to mark registered trademarks). Before it is registered, it is common put into practice (with some legal standing) to use the service mark symbol.

Use of a Service Mark

A service mark differs from a trademark in that the mark is used on the promotion of the service rather than on the packaging or liberation of the service, since there is generally no package to place the mark on, which is the practice for trademarks However, if the service deals with communications, it is potential to use a service mark consisting of a sound in the process of delivering the service. This has been done in the case of, which uses a tone sound followed by a woman dialogue the company's name to identify its long coldness service. A trademark usually needs to be used on or directly in association with the sale of merchandise, such as on a store display. As services are not definite by a concrete product, use of a service mark in advertisements is instead accepted as a use in commerce.

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