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Trademark Maintenance

Once the registration of trademark is all over now it is time for maintaining the trademark while filing the necessary documents and required papers before the due dates. If you fail while maintaining your trademark then it get cancel by the govern authority. Trademark maintenance includes submission of necessary documents before the due dates. Well, different countries follow their own rules and regulations for trademark maintenance but mostly the rule is to submit maintenance affidavit within 5th to 6th year of trademark registration. If you fail to comply this then your trade mark would be cancelled. And if you success in filing this trademark maintenance then you will be able to renew your trademark prior to its expirations.

Well, there are many rules and regulations subjected to the trademark maintenance. Like in case of misuse or infringement, the govern authority do not make any type of concern against that until you make any opposition to the authority. Only on the behalf of your opposition appeal, the govern authority would make an action against it. Thus, it is you who maintains your own trademark from being getting infringement. If you fails to check out any infringes of your trademark then there will be major chances to lose your trademark. Thus, maintenance of your trademark is very much important likewise to maintain your goodwill and reputation in the international market. So, don't let your trademark to get open to the third party before that be sure that your trademark should comply with necessary with legal documents.

Thus, here at trademarkregistrationindia, you will find the complete services in respect of trademark maintenance where you can apply and find the best source of maintaining your trademark globally. Our expertise team of trademark maintenance in India brings you with the complete services of legal matters including trademark services at the best trademark maintenance fees.

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