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Patent Registration in India

The patent system of India is governed by the Patent Act 1970 which is according to the TRIPS agreement. Three kinds of patents are applicable in India-ordinary patent, convention, and patent of application. The basic object behind the passing of the Patent Act is to encourage scientific innovations, Invention of new technology and to achieve industrial progress. For the Registration of Patent first an application is to be filed within the territorial limits where the applicant is residing. Some documents are also required to be attached along with the application. After this the specification is to be examined completely, then publication is to be made. If there is objection then satisfactory explanation is to be given by the applicant. If no opposition is made then patent is granted to the applicant. There are several patent law firms in India and when you choose the right patent service in India you will not just benefit form the right patent service but can also get your work done faster and legally.We as a service provider provide service on patent registration in India. The services provided by us are of good quality and giving satisfactory results.

If you want patent registration in indian states, please go through the below table: If you want to patent registration in major cities of India, please go through the below table:
IPR Services