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Trademark Office in Delhi

The trademark office Delhi is an agency, which provides protection to the inventors and business for their inventions and trademark registration for the product and intellectual property identification. The Trademark office is provided with funds by the fees, which are charged for processing the trademark and patents. The trademark office examines the applications for register a trademark in India. The trademarks are registered on either the supplement register or the principal register depending upon the characteristic criteria. The Trademark office is primarily used to promote industrial and technological progresses and also strengthen the national economy by administrating the laws relating to trademarks and patents.

Trademark Registration office

The Trademark Registration office performs the statutory duties in connection with the grant of patents for new inventions. There are several trademark offices in Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Pune, and Mumbai. Trademark office is primarily used to promote industrial and technological progress and also strengthen the national economy by administrating the laws relating to patents and trademarks. Trademark office provides advice on the trade-related aspects of intellectual property. Advising the secretary of commerce and the administration of trademarks, patents and copyright protection are the services carried on by the trademark office.

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